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The bottom line is this: As long as polio threatens even one child anywhere in the world, all children - wherever they live - remain at risk.
—Rotary International Website

What exactly does a Lake Ontario swim crossing entail?


Thie will be swimming Lake Ontario beginning at Niagara-on-the-Lake and completing her swim at Marilyn Bell Park (~52 km) in Toronto.

You can view the Google Maps view of the swim here.

Solo Swims of Ontario is a volunteer organization that sanctions and assists aspiring swimmers in their attempts to cross any of the Great Lakes. For the duration of the swim, the swimmer is accompanied by a flotilla of boats and a crew that includes a Swim Master (a Solo Swims assigned expert who is in charge of the safety of the swimmer and the technical aspects of the swim from start to finish), a navigator, the swimmer’s coach and pace swimmers, a number of small boat/zodiac drivers, a physician and several lifeguards, and other key individuals needed to make the swim happen.

From the time the swimmer enters the water, to the time that the swim is completed, contact with the swimmer is not allowed. The swimmer will take in specific nutrients over the course of the swim, (Thie will be feeding every 20 minutes or so), passed to her in squeeze bottles etc. and will tread water or float on her back for the 20 seconds of feeding. How long will the swim take? Most of the 52 successful crossings to date have taken place between 15 and 24 hours. Yes, Thie will be swimming continuously for that much time!

For more information on Lake Ontario Swims and other swims, the Solo Swims of Ontario website is here:

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  • Posted by tanya, 27/09/2010 4:06am (14 years ago)

    thank you!

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